More media is created everyday and more people are beginning to create content each day. In fact even this portfolio is a type of media in the form of a blog.

This blog is to demonstrate my learning and understanding of the unit, engaging media, as we go deeper into the world of media...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Essay due in two weeks;

Choose two texts you have used in your portfolio or discussed in tutorials.Drawing on these texts as examples, write an essay response to the following question:
How does convergence effect the relationship between users and producers of media texts?

The texts I want to use, I haven't used in in either so I'm just going to dump them in my portfolio and therefore can use them as examples. Woo.

Example 1. Halo 3 and
I wanted to use this as an example because the creators of Halo 3, Bungie, have purposely included tools in their 2007 game to allow users to create their own content using the in game engine. They actually encourage users to create great things, often giving away prizes to the best. In fact, the image on the multiplayer map pack expansion disk that was released last year wasn't created by them, it was created by one of their consumers. This type of stuff is just what I need to answer the essay question.

Heres an example of prosuming too,

I'll think of another later, I feel like playing Halo 3 now...

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