More media is created everyday and more people are beginning to create content each day. In fact even this portfolio is a type of media in the form of a blog.

This blog is to demonstrate my learning and understanding of the unit, engaging media, as we go deeper into the world of media...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 10

This week we had an interesting reading. Let me just say this now, it’s very outdated. I’ll explain why as it show you my dot points. It discusses internet news.
  •         Old media (newspapers & TV) is agenda setting, it tells us what to think about.
  •          However Internet cannot set agenda as it has a small audience (DERP! SO wrong, heaps of people read news online, many as the only source of news they get. This is so outdated).
  •          However it cannot set an agenda as well as old media because internet uses can choose what to read and compare stories more easily. Also anyone can publish news, which also effects agenda setting.
  •          Newspapers and TV are being replaced by web news. Old people are sticking to old media more though (OMG WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? 7 YEARS AGO?! Actually it has you idiot. So outdated).
  •          He presents us with studies that were carried out in, get this, 1949 and 1966. Seriously when was this written? So irrelevant and outdated.
  •          Digital publications don’t use the following as much; time span (news can be broken instantly), composition (placement of stories in the newspaper to contrast with other similar or opposite stories) and space (so much space on the internet not so much on the paper).
  •          It talks about how people that use the Internet are like geeky people from sci-fi movies. Seriously? SO outdated, I’m pretty sure my dogs are even online now. Or are they alien sci-fi dogs? People from 2003 are stupid.
  •          Web design should follow designs like magazines. I agree with this.
  •          The author reckons many Journalists don’t agree with this “new” style of writing. Maybe in the 1920’s, idiot, now they just do their jobs, they don’t care if it’s on the internet.
  •          Internet news has lower production costs.
  •          Finally I liked this point, he thinks newspapers will be killed by web papers but that won’t be the case, if every paper also has a news website then the websites profits can in turn support the newspapers.

Obviously I didn’t think this reading was very useful but I still got a lot of good points so woot. We talked a bit about topics related to the reading in class too but most of it is covered in the points I already discussed.
Four more weeks to go.

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