More media is created everyday and more people are beginning to create content each day. In fact even this portfolio is a type of media in the form of a blog.

This blog is to demonstrate my learning and understanding of the unit, engaging media, as we go deeper into the world of media...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Tut Reflections (March 2)

In our first tut we were introduced to Deepti, our tutor, before she showed us this;
This video is someones view of what could possibly happen to the media over the
next few decades.
It concludes that the world become even more online and suggests that as the internet
becomes bigger people may opt to become part of it themselves.
This may have been deduced by looking at the way MMORPGS (such as Second
Life or World of Warcraft) have already had an impact on people living now.

Next we were asked to write down what type of Media we had used before coming to this class.
Many of us were left with very large lists and it showed us how large the world of media is.
Lists were compared and we discovered that our group uses the internet way more than anything else.
This was easily the most used media source.

Note: I would assume the most used type of media would be different depending on the age/sex
of people asked. (Refer to the very big generalisation below)
Gen Y= Facebook and almost purely internet.
Gen X= Internet mostly but still enjoys the TV and some even read the... paper?
Baby Boomers= More and more are beginnig to brave the seas of the WWW but many like to stick
to the good ol' TVs, newspapers and Radio.
Pre-BB= Many like the comfort of the traditional radios, newspapers and TVs.

Next we watched this very interesting video.

It shows us how big and amazing the Web, particularly Web 2.0 is and raises some interesting points about
how we need to refine the way the web is being used, particularly regarding the legal side of it.

We read some text (which will be covered more next week) and then watched this before we left;

This video was particularly interesting/ funny and I hope to be able to reference it at least once this

And that was the first tutorial!

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