More media is created everyday and more people are beginning to create content each day. In fact even this portfolio is a type of media in the form of a blog.

This blog is to demonstrate my learning and understanding of the unit, engaging media, as we go deeper into the world of media...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 3 Tut (March 16)

First we were asked a few questions this is what we came up with;
"Who Produces our Media?"; Companies, Creators, Designers, Public, Journalists.
"How do we get it?"; Over the net, by paying, from TV sponsors, other people giving.
"Where do we get it?"; In our homes, TV, cinema, on the net, mobiles, basically EVERYWHERE.

Then we watched this masterpiece;

This is a type of fan art or "vidding", the art of gathering footage off 1 or more medias and mashing them together to create your own movie. These mashups are a very popular and often hilarious new media that is all over youtube these days, a sign that participatory culture is very alive.

Next we had a group discussion about the topic
"How useful is the net in terms of active resistance to powerful institutions?"
Although everyone talked we didn't actually talk about the question...
These are the points that I gathered from the talking;
  • Comments online are useless, why bother
  • Its easier for the "youf" to use becuase they have been growing up along side the net.
  • Apparently it's good for creating awareness of problems but it can not fix them.
Didn't really answer the question...
I'm going to answer it myself and say not very, the internet is used best by big companies and in fact some of the richest ones exist purely because of the net. Because they can actually employ internet marketers to think of the best way to keep people interested in their company online, the internet in fact becomes very focused on the big companies because they have the best websites. And don't be fooled by some guy on a forum saying how great something is, most of the time they actually like the product but many times it could be an employee of a company employed purely to troll forums and tell everyone how great their product is.

At the end of the tut we were asked to create a spoof ad for next tut. Mines in the previous post.

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