Last tuesday was our last day of engaging media for two weeks, which made me very sad indeed.
This week we covered Copyright.
To begin with we played a little role playing game where the class split into groups of two and one was to be a teacher whilst the other was a student caught plagiarising .
They then had to think how they would feel if in this situation and then act it out.
I however, was the actual author of the plagiarised book.
The exercise was rather strange. I walked around the room and talked to 3 different groups of teacher/students and told them I felt rather mad that my work was being used without giving me credit, which I suppose would be what would actually happen. The first two just sat there, confused, just like any normal students would.
In the second group I decided to try and blame the teacher for not teaching the student how to reference.
They didn't know what to think!
The person playing the student then told me she really liked my jeans. I think that statement wasn't acting. I do have nice jeans. Thanyou. :)
The third group was tricky, as I began to yell abuse one of them tried to bamboozle me with
Presentism and Galilean relativity theories. But I wasn't fooled, I avoided having the abuse hurled back at me by hastily returning to my seat.
Then we watched this, a video about the new way to copyright. Watch it, it'll help you understand this post a bit better.
Next we watched this video about the horribly wrong lawsuit against men at work.
Bullshit right?
I've written on my notes "terrible segway". When the reporter said,
"Was the song about beer and women so manly after all? Or was it more akin to the girl guides?"
I thought it was a terrible segway. Terrible!
Anyway this video was relevant to our topic this week because ANYONE even the awesomest band in the world can be sued for copyright infringement these days.
Then we were asked "How does remediation impact copyright?"
Well, in many cases, I've noticed that people are allowed to remediate work without infringing the big C.
As long as it is not for profit.
There are so many big websites that have huge amounts of remediated work on them, is solely about remediated work and on youtube it is impossibly hard to find something that has not been influenced by another persons piece of work. That includes songs, clips, characters, stories and products.
More Radiohead.
And thats what I got out of the tut for last week.
See you all in two weeks!